FC Belton Recreational Youth Soccer League
Sponsor Form
Business Name: ______________________________________________________________
Please print your business name as you would like it printed on jerseys, banners, etc. associated with FC Belton.
Point of Contact: ______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _____________________ Fax Number: _________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________
Jersey Color Preference (Choose 3): ________________________________________________
Logo Color Preference: __________________________________________________________
Name of Team/Coach being Sponsored: _____________________________________________
*Please email a digital file of your company logo to [email protected]*
Player(s) wanting to provide scholarship for: _________________________________________
*Please make checks payable to FC Belton. Please mail to P.O. Box 147 Belton, TX 76513*
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze Level - $250: Company name/logo on the jerseys of one team, company name/logo on our website, company name/logo on the FC Belton Sponsorship Banner, and company name/logo on an 18in x 24in banner. Scholarships: 2
Silver Level - $450: Company name/logo on the jerseys of one team, company name/logo on our website, company name/logo on the FC Belton Sponsorship Banner, and company name/logo on an 18in x 24in banner. Scholarships: 4
Gold Level - $600: Company name/logo on the jerseys of one team, company name/logo on our website, company name/logo on the FC Belton Sponsorship Banner, and company name/logo on a 36in x 48in banner. Scholarships: 6
Platinum Level - $1,000: Company name/logo on the jerseys of one team, company name/logo on our website, company name/logo on the FC Belton sponsorship banner, and company name/logo on a 36in x 48in banner: Scholarships: 8
Field Sponsorship - $200: Company name/logo on our website and company name/logo on the FC Belton Sponsorship banner, and company name/logo on an 18in x 24in field sign.
Player Scholarship - $95: Provides 1 scholarship for one FC Belton player.
Sponsorship Donations are also used toward the cost of field maintenance and coaching equipment. The FC Belton Board thanks you for your donations so that we can continue to provide a fun, and safe environment for kids to grow and develop in soccer and character.